Forest School Holiday Clubs
for kids age 5-11
Easter, Summer and Winter School Holidays
October, February and May Half Terms
10:00 - 14:00, lunch included.
FREE for children in receipt of benefits related Free School Meals (book via GCC)
Pay As You Go (PAYG) £25
Free campfire lunch included for all!
Clearwell, GL16 8LD
Unfortunately these sessions are no longer available to be booked online via our website; please email us below with the dates requested and we'll be happy to get you booked in directly. ​

Holiday Clubs Activities
A range of activities will take place over the day, this could include:
treasure hunts
den building
fire lighting
campfire cooking
knot tying
tree climbing
arts and crafts
nature identification
mud kitchen
stream/pond dipping
tool use
imaginative play
risky play
All activities are child-led and optional, we will follow their lead and get stuck in with whatever they fancy!
We take pride in involving the children in healthy food preparation and providing a campfire cooked lunch for all who attend.
Exploring and playing outdoors helps your child to develop their social skills with others, their physical skills on challenging terrain and their emotional development as they overcome obstacles.
For more information, please check the 'What is Forest School' page under 'About Us'.
100% of children felt more confident after a day outdoors at Branches Out Forest School*
*in a survey completed in May Half Term, 2024